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Parking areas are an integral part of any hotel or public building and a crucial factor for the overall functionality of the building, including daily operations of the staff and visitor's comfort.Whether the parking area is open and therefore exposed to different weather conditions, underground area or multi-story parking decks, where construction heights and other building systems need to be observed - our comprehensive range and dedicated design support will provide you with the optimal solution.

ACO Multiline

  • Choice of design gratings: Cast iron, stainless steel, galvanized steel or plastic
  • Freedom to create individual designs, as well as option for integrated LED lights
  • Polymer concrete channel for optimal stability, hydraulic performance and resistance
  • Flexible design options, due to variety of sizes, including low-profile solution

ACO Deckline

  • Line drainage for parking decks for watertight connection.
  • Watertight connection system with 3M sealing tape. No welding. No screwing.
  • Quick and easy installation process through simple connector system. Optional “hanging” installation.
  • Material: Stainless steel V2A.
  • High load class performance up to C250.
  • Flexible: Recommended solution for concrete or screed flooring. Others equally possible.

ACO Light liquid separators

  • oil separators, according to EN 858
  • for ground installation or free-standing
  • material options, according to application requirements
  • with or without integrated bypass
  • easy installation and maintenance

Effective drainage

The impermeable surface of public parking areas creates a significant volume of surface water runoff that needs to be addressed. Underground parking spaces often require drainage solutions with restricted installation space and special attention in the area of the access ramps, where slopes and intensive traffic imply special requirements to the drainage system.


Drainage systems are integral part of landscaping in public parking areas. Therefore, their finish and design are required to complement and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the property. Modern surface water management solutions are designed to provide further architectural and aesthetic value to the project with variety of design options, discrete slot openings and integrated LED lights.

Surface water treatment

At any site, such as car parks, where there is risk of surface water being contaminated by hydrocarbons are required steps to prevent pollution. Sustainable drainage systems require control of surface water runoff and, as part of this approach, oil separators treat water before being discharged.